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The Church and the Dragon (Revelation 12) Quiz

  1. 1. Of what is the woman symbolical? (p. 18, par. 2)

  2. 2. Define the following symbol: (p. 17, par. 3,4; p. 19, par. 1,2)


  3. 3. Define the following symbol: (p. 17, par. 3,4; p. 19, par. 1,2)


  4. 4. Define the following symbol: (p. 17, par. 3,4; p. 19, par. 1,2)


  5. 5. Define the following symbol: (p. 17, par. 3,4; p. 19, par. 1, 2)


  6. 6. What does the Dragon’s being fortified with seven heads and ten horns denote? (p. 19, par. 1, 2)

  7. 7. When the Devil saw that he could not stop the growth of the Christian Church by persecuting her followers, to what tactics did he resort? (p. 21, par. 1)

  8. 8. List Devil’s first defeat. (p. 21, par. 1, 2)

  9. 9. List Devil’s second defeat. (p. 21, par. 1, 2)

  10. 10. List Devil’s third defeat. (p. 21, par. 1, 2)

  11. 11. What will become of those who join the Church for some purpose other than to follow and practice the truth? (p. 21, par. 2)

  12. 12. Complete the sentence (p. 23, par. 1):

    “Now is the time for _____________ to decide either to _____________________________ into the fire or else to be ___________________ by Michael, our prince.”