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The Kingdom (Part 2) Quiz

  1. 1. What did the Jews make of Moses’ writings (p. 6, par. 1)

  2. 2. When did the prophet Daniel say God would set up His Kingdom? (p. 11, par. 3)

  3. 3. Hosea and Micah wrote that the Kingdom would be set up at what time? (p. 12, par. 1)

  4. 4. According to Ezekiel, when will God cleanse us from our filthiness and idolatry, and remove our defects from us? (p. 9, par. 2, & p. 10 top of page)

  5. 5. Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah wrote that the gathering of the people would be to what place? (p. 6, par. 4, p. 7, par. 3; p. 8, par. 1)

  6. 6. The Law and the Word of the Lord shall go forth from what place? (p. 15, par. 1)

  7. 7. When this is fulfilled, what shall Judah have? (p. 6, par. 4)

  8. 8. Who are the first to be gathered unto Judah? (p. 10, par. 1)

  9. 9. Amos warns us that the Lord is going to “sift” his people, but what precious reassurance is also given? (p. 13, par. 1)

  10. 10. But what shall happen to the sinners among God’s people? (p. 13, par. 1)

  11. 11. If we, like the Jews, want nothing but what we want, what will we get? (p. 20, par. 3)