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The Latter Rain Quiz

  1. 1. For What does the Lord ask us to pray? (p. 3, par. 2)

  2. 2. To what will most of God’s people trace the first convictions which eventually led to their conversion? (p. 5, par. 3)

  3. 3. What is the latter rain to do for the people of God? (p. 3, par. 4)

  4. 4. How did the disciples prepare themselves for the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost? (p. 7, par. 2)

  5. 5. What are the “bright clouds”? (p. 5, par. 2)

  6. 6. Why will some in the church not be able to detect the falling of the latter rain? (p. 11, par. 1)

  7. 7. Are you standing under a “Laodicean Umbrella”? Or are you absorbing the latter rain and preparing yourself for the harvest?

  8. 8. How must this spiritual latter rain fall? (p. 5, par. 3)

  9. 9. According to Jeremiah 8:20, what will be the cry of those who neglected to receive the latter rain? (p. 7, par. 3)