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The Revival and Reformation Crowned with the Purification of the Church Quiz

  1. 1. To whom does the prophecy of Malachi three apply? (p. 11, par. 1)

  2. 2. What two persons are disclosed to view in Mal. 3: 1, 2? (p. 11, par. 4 to top of p. 12)

  3. 3. What is the name of this messenger? (p. 12, par. 0)

  4. 4. What is the messenger to do? (p. 12, par. 1)

  5. 5. Whom does the Lord purify? (p. 12, par. 3)

  6. 6. Who only will give the Loud Cry? (p. 13, par. 4)

  7. 7. How many great men will be used in the last solemn work? (p. 14, par. 1)

  8. 8. With what is the revival and reformation to be crowned? (p. 15, par. 1)

  9. 9. From whom has the church as a body always been deceived? (p. 15, par. 2)

  10. 10. What must we do to receive the mark (seal) of deliverance? (p. 17, par. 1)

  11. 11. To whom does the Lord charge with robbing Him? (p. 17, par. 4)

  12. 12. In what ‘way is the Lord being robbed today? (p. 17, par. 4)

  13. 13. How does one recognize God’s storehouse today? (p. 18, par. 3, 5)

  14. 14. Supply the missing words:

    “There are man precious truths contained in the ‘Word of God, but it is ________________ that the flock needs now.” Early Writings, p. 63. (p. 18, par. 5)

  15. 15. What does the Lord promise to those who pay their faithful tithes and offerings? (p. 19, par. 1)

  16. 16. What, kind of message would Elijah of today bear? (p. 22, par. 1, 2)

  17. 17. What will be the work of those who remain in the church after the purification takes place? (p. 23, par. 1)