I shall read from The Mount of Blessing page 166, beginning with the first paragraph. This reading is based on the scripture Forgive us our sins for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. -1TG14 11.1
M.B. p. 166 — Jesus teaches that we can receive forgiveness from God only as we forgive others. It is the love of God that draws us unto Him and that love cannot touch our hearts without creating love for our brethren. -1TG14 11.2
After completing the Lords prayer Jesus added: If ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. He who is unforgiving cuts off the very channel through which alone he can receive mercy from God. We should not think that unless those who have injured us confess the wrong we are justified in withholding from them our forgiveness. It is their part no doubt to humble their hearts by repentance and confession but we are to have a spirit of compassion toward those who have trespassed against us whether or not they confess their faults. However sorely they may have wounded us we are not to cherish our grievances and sympathize with ourselves over our injuries but as we hope to be pardoned for our offenses against God we are to pardon all who have done evil to us. -1TG14 11.3
Now what should be the burden of our prayer this afternoon? — That we might have love for our brethren that we forgive the faults of others whether or not they forgive our faults that we confess our sins regardless what others might do. -1TG14 11.4
[code_snippet id=30 php format] [code_snippet id=36 date=”NOVEMBER 9, 1946″ php format]Let me introduce my subject by telling you a simple story. -1TG14 12.1
Once upon a time six brothers were building a bridge supposedly to the god of Justice. The purpose of the bridge was to unite the east with the west. -1TG14 12.2
They had no difficulty laying the foundations and setting the pillars. But lo when they came to join the east wing with the west one they found themselves confronted with a phenomenal obstacle: What they had built up during the day was torn down during the night. This miracle continued day after day. Finally the brothers sat down in a council meeting to discuss how they might solve their harrassing problem. Feeling that to quit would be the greatest folly they could ever commit that it would bring their names into disrepute they studied and they prayed. -1TG14 12.3
At long last they concluded that the god of Justice was for some reason displeased with them and that a human sacrifice would appease him. So it was that they resolved to sacrifice the best one of their wives. This however was not to be divulged to the women. In order to make an impartial and acceptable selection they further resolved that on the morrow each would instruct his wife to prepare the best possible breakfast and dinner and to take the meals to him at the bridge as early as possible. They were to explain to their wives that they must needs eat and pray at the bridgeside to the glory of the god of Justice and for the success of their project. The woman to arrive with the meals first was to be the victim. -1TG14 12.4
Five of the men though did not stick to their solemn oath. Each of them straightway told their wives what was to be done and that therefore they should not hurry to the bridge with the meals. -1TG14 13.1
In the morning at the appointed time the men were at the bridge site. Shortly afterwards they saw in the distance someone coming to the bridge. For a few moments no one knew for sure who it was but soon the man who had kept his part of the agreement recognized it to be his wife. He of course immediately burst into tears and with groans he fell to the ground. Seeing her husbands strange behaviour the wife dropped her basket of food and ran to the scene to learn what was the trouble. But while she was attempting to comfort her husband the other five brothers seized her carried her to a gap in the bridge and there they cemented her alive. Now the brothers confidently expected the bridge to stay up for they felt that they had done all they could to appease the god of Justice. -1TG14 13.2
Thus it was that while the five dishonest men that night returned home in happiness the honest one returned to his home in grief. -1TG14 13.3
On the following morning all the men hurried to the bridge expecting to find it standing intact. But to their surprise and consternation they found the whole bridge lying flat on the ground -1TG14 13.4
Naturally the incident was rumored throughout the city and the judges of that city went to see what the great excitement was about. As they listened to the builders argue and philosophize from cause to effect they learned that the unfortunate woman was not sacrificed by fair chance but by fraud The matter was brought to court and the judges finally decreed that Justice must be satisfied else not only the bridge but even their city might fall to the ground. Accordingly on that very day the five unjust men were executed and the honest one was made mayor of the city. -1TG14 14.1
Christians have been building a bridge so to speak to the God of Justice for many years. But they do not seem to be any more successful than were the six bridge-builders. And for what reason? — For the very same reason the six builders were unsuccessful: Selfish men are engaged in the work and though they see the need for a sacrifice yet they somehow always manage to make others do the sacrificing. -1TG14 14.2
And you remember that though the building of the tower of Babel was counter to Gods will and His order still all the while the builders worked harmoniously among themselves their project prospered — their tower skyrocketed. But when their language was confused and they could no longer understand one another then the progress of the tower stopped. And to show them that He was displeased with their project and that He was the One Who had confounded their language God blasted the tower so that it crumbled to the ground. That which happened to the bridge happened also to the tower. -1TG14 14.3
Christians are working at cross-purposes among themselves. One Christian brother is betraying another. Christian ministers rather than preaching the Truth are preaching against one another. One goes ahead to build up and another trails behind to tear down. They do not see eye to eye nor do they understand one another even as much as did the confused tower-builders. -1TG14 15.1
Just so long as such selfishness and dishonesty confusion and animosity exist among Christians their bridge and their tower so to speak will come to naught as certainly as did the bridge of the six covenant-breakers and as did the tower of the prophet Noahs mockers. There is no way of stopping ism trouble without removing the cause — no no more than a splinter wound can heal before the splinter has been removed. -1TG14 15.2
You are familiar with the fact that there was no ism trouble in Moses day as long as Moses alone interpreted the Word of God to the people. But just as soon as Korah Dathan Abiram and others aspired to Moses office ism trouble started. And the only remedy that even God Himself could find was to cause the earth to open her mouth and to swallow the ism-breathing multitude the self-appointed representatives of God. -1TG14 15.3
In our day there is an even greater flood of private interpreters of the Scriptures (the cause of todays isms) than there was in Moses day. And according to Revelation 12:15, 16, the Lord warns that He will again use a remedy similar to the ancient remedy against todays ism-breeding flood. Then some may learn to respect the office of the Spirit of Prophecy. Let us now read of the fate of those who chose to continue walking in sparks of their own kindling. -1TG14 15.4
Rev. 12:16 — …and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. -1TG14 16.1
Here we see that a similar remedy which caused isms to cease in Moses day is again to be used to cause isms to cease in our day the only means by which harmony can be restored among fellow-members in the church itself as well as among Christians in general. -1TG14 16.2
2 Tim. 3:16, 17 — All scripture is given by Inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works. -1TG14 16.3
2 Pet. 1:20, 21 — Knowing this first that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. -1TG14 16.4
Affirmatively stated all Scripture not merely a part of It is inspired. Negatively stated none of It is privately interpreted for the reason that It did not come of men but of God that is as the Spirit of God dictated to men the Scriptures so the Spirit of God must interpret the Scriptures to men that no man privately (without Inspiration) is capable of disclosing the sealed prophecies or interpreting any part of them or even capable of understanding their importance after they are interpreted except it be by the gift of the Spirit of Truth None of the wicked therefore shall understand but the wise shall understand. Dan. 12:10. -1TG14 16.5
We should now be convinced that as long as this Divine command and principle of interpreting Gods Word is overlooked and abused and as long as selfishness and bigotry exist among Christians in general and among Bible students in particular isms will continue to increase and the strength of the people will continue to be wasted just as was the strength of both the builders of the bridge and the builders of the tower. Yes just as certainly as night follows day just that certain will their efforts come to naught and their shame be uncovered. -1TG14 17.1
That we cannot be led into all Truth without the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy Inspiration symbolically forewarns through the prophet Zechariah. Let us turn to Zechariah 4, and begin with the first verse. -1TG14 17.2
Zech. 4:1-4 — And the angel that talked with me came again and waked me as a man that is wakened out of his sleep and said unto me What seest thou? And I said I have looked and behold a candlestick all of gold with a bowl upon the top of it and has seven lamps thereon and seven pipes to the seven lamps which are upon the top thereof: and two olive trees by it one upon the right side of the bowl and the other upon the left side thereof. So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me saying What are these my Lord? -1TG14 17.3
The illustration here exhibited you note is an exact reproduction of Zechariahs symbolism. In order that our study be simplified and vivid we shall study the chapter along with the illustration. -1TG14 17.4

Now let us hear the angels explanation of this symbolism. -1TG14 18.1
Zech. 4:5, 6 — Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me Knowest thou not what these be? And I said No my Lord. Then he answered and spake unto me saying This is the Word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord of hosts. -1TG14 18.2
The angel disclosed two things: First he made known that the symbolism is concerning the Word of the Lord (the Bible) to the servants of God second that His Word is revealed not by mans might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. -1TG14 18.3
Plainly this symbolism as a whole represents the system by which the Lord transmits His revealed Word to His people. That we might have a thorough understanding of this Divinely designed system we need to know what each component part of the illustration stands for. The Spirit of Prophecy gives the clue. -1TG14 18.4
In The Great Controversy page 267 is explained that the olive trees represent the Old and New Testaments Testimonies to Ministers page 188, says that the golden oil represents the Holy Spirit and on page 337 of the same book along with Revelation 1:20, says that the seven lamps represent the church and that the seven tubes (the ministry) convey the oil to the churches. -1TG14 19.1
Now study the illustration itself as you would study any cartoon. First of all the trees represent the Word of God (the Bible — both Old and New Testaments — two trees). -1TG14 19.2
Here is seen that the whole symbolical set up is for the purpose of depicting the accomplishment of but one thing — of keeping the seven lamps (the entire church membership) supplied with spiritual oil (Bible Truth) so that it might give spiritual light all round about that the church might lighten the world with the revealed Word of God. And since the ministrys duty is to feed the church with spiritual food the fact is that the seven tubes represent the ministry at work taking the oil (revealed Truth) from the bowl to the seven lamps the churches. Now the truth that in the illustration the tubes (the ministers) do not take the oil directly from the olive trees (the Bible) it positively indicates that the bowl in which the oil is deposited represents the container or the store in which the compilations of Inspired Bible interpretations are stored and that from it not from the olive trees the ministers help themselves with oil and carry it to the seven lamps (to the church). -1TG14 19.3
The two golden pipes therefore can be only a representation of the inspired channels which are capable to extract the oil (light of Truth) from the trees (from both Testaments) and store it in the bowl (books) for the tubes (ministers) to convey it to the candlestick (to the churches). -1TG14 19.4
The symbolism therefore points out the system which Heaven has ordained for dispensing the Word of the Lord to His church: that the Spirit of Prophecy at work is the only remedy against isms in the church and in the world. -1TG14 20.1
Those who do not avail themselves of the golden oil and those who continue ever to hunt for some kind of oil or whoever try to extract their own will of course drop into the pit when the earth opens her mouth to swallow up the flood. Then it is that ism-breathers and ism-seekers shall forever pass away. -1TG14 20.2
Zech. 4:8, 9 — Moreover the Word of the Lord came unto me saying The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house his hands shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. -1TG14 20.3
These scriptures positively imply that there are doubts in the minds of some as to whether antitypical Zerubbabel or some other shall finish the work which Zerubbabel has started. Whom does Zerubbabel represent? — -1TG14 20.4
The Word of God explains that ancient Zerubbabel is a signet type at the time God overthrows the thrones of the kingdoms at the time their armies are destroyed by one brother Christianss sword cutting down another brother Christian. (Haggai 2:22, 23). Zerubbabel therefore represents Gods servant at a time the crowned kings throne of kingdoms are overthrown and in which time one Christian nation is at war with another Christian nation. Since the crowned kingdoms are fast passing away and other forms of governments are taking their places all proves that antitypical Zerubbabels appearance is now due. And the Lords own answer is the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house his hands shall also finish it. -1TG14 20.5
Zech. 4:10 — For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth. -1TG14 21.2
The day this scripture is fulfilled is the day in which the Lord of hosts starts a reformatory work in an apparently very small and insignificant way and those who despise small and insignificant beginnings will at last rejoice and shall see that antitypical Zerubbabel is the one to direct the work along with all (seven) his helpers. They are the eyes of the Lord. What a momentous day Evidently they constitute the stone of Zechariah Three which we studied several weeks ago and learned that it has seven eyes complete spiritual vision. Obviously this is the stone that smites the great image of Dan. 2:45. -1TG14 21.3
Zech. 4:11, 12 — Then answered I and said unto Him What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? And I answered again and said unto Him What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? -1TG14 21.4
All these taking place at this particular time and the prophecies now unfolded prove that antitypical Zerubbabel must now be here and that as he has started the work he also must finish it. The fact that Inspiration takes the pains to tell who is to finish the work in itself is proof that there must be active usurpers of his office as there were of Moses office. -1TG14 21.5
Zech. 4:13, 14 — And He answered me and said Knowest thou not what these be? And I said No my Lord. Then said He These are the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. -1TG14 22.1
From the angels information it is now clearly seen that the symbolism depicts the system of interpreting the written Word of God and of transmitting It to the church. The time of which is in the New Testament era when both trees are in existence. -1TG14 22.2
Let us now summarize the lesson by the aid of the illustration. Here we see a candlestick (a church) all of gold the finest of all candlesticks (no tares in it). It constitutes the remnant (those that are left after the sinners are done away with) which indeed keep the commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 12:17 19:10). This fine candlestick is fully trimmed and burning. The two golden pipes (Gods inspired interpreters) store the golden oil in the golden bowl (Spirit of Prophecy publications). And the seven tubes (the entire ministry) convey from the golden bowl the golden oil to the seven golden lamps (to the entire laity). -1TG14 22.3
Under this perfect system of preparing and dispensing the Word of God meat in due season to His people there need be no fear that the reservoir will run dry or that the lamps will grow dim. This is the only system moreover that can make the church perfect without spot wrinkle or any such thing — a people without guile in their mouths all seeing eye to eye all saying the same thing. Truly a great people and a strong there hath not been ever the like. Joel 2:2. This beyond doubt is the mighty power that lightens the earth it is the Loud Cry. Indeed this symbolism reveals the church at the time she is endowed with the Spirit of Prophecy and with the righteousness of Christ. -1TG14 22.4
Obviously the system of Bible interpretation described by Zechariah is the Lords only system. It is the only remedy for isms and discord among Christians. Thus it is that His watchmen shall lift up the voice with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion. Isa. 52:8. -1TG14 23.2