VTH Writings

Tell Mother

 “It is the intention of this book to reveal the truth of the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 but the chief object of this publication is to bring about a reformation among God’s people. The truth herein contained is divided into seven sections, giving proof from seven different angles, to prevent any doubt or confusion. This subject is made clear by the use of the Bible and the writings given by the Spirit of Prophecy.” – The Shepherd’s Rod Vol. 1 pg. 5

The text of our subject for this afternoon is found in Proverbs 29:18. -2TG24 14.1

Prov 29:18 — Where there is no vision the people perish: but he that keepeth the law happy is he. -2TG24 14.2

At the outset of our study let us ascertain to what extent this scripture has been fulfilled. In the days of Moses you remember the Egyptians had no vision but the Hebrews did have a vision and a prophet to interpret the vision. With this gift among them when they came against the Red Sea the Hebrews were preserved but the Egyptians perished. The wise man you see was not guessing when he said Where there is no vision the people perish. -2TG24 14.3

Suppose though the people should have a vision but no interpreter for the vision. What then? Let us see: You recall that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had a night vision but had no interpreter no not one among all his wise men in the kingdom. Consequently as they were unable to interpret his vision (Dan. Chapter 2) it was decreed that they should be put to death and they would have perished if Daniel Gods man had not been in the land to interpret the kings vision. -2TG24 14.4


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Pharaoh too had a vision but no interpreter. And if Joseph had not been in the land of Egypt to interpret the kings vision the Egyptians and the whole ancient world would have perished during the seven years of famine. What the Bible says is one hundred percent true you see. -2TG24 15.1

Now let me ask you a simple question. If the people with out a vision and without a interpreter perish how are they then to get the vision and the interpreter? Saint Peter gives the clue: -2TG24 15.2

2 Pet 1:19, 20 — We have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts: knowing this first that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. -2TG24 15.3

Here we are told that prophecy a vision is the acid test by which to judge purported Bible Truth that is if the thing is not in prophecy if there is no vision of it found in the writings of the prophets then there is no truth in it. Yes the visions of the prophets are to be our visions if we must be preserved. Prophecy though he contends is of no more private interpretation than were Nebuchadnezzars and Pharaohs visions that the wise men of any people are not able to interpret the concealed prophecies of God. Why?– -2TG24 15.4

2 Pet 1:21 — For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. -2TG24 15.5


This is exactly why prophecy cannot be privately interpreted not without the Spirit Who dictated the prophecies to holy men of old. So then the prophecies are not interpreted by the will of men but by the Spirit of Truth the Spirit of Prophecy the same Spirit that dictated the prophecies. This you see is not my idea. It is the plain language of the Bible. But perhaps there is still doubt in your minds and if so we would do well to give the Bible another test. -2TG24 16.1

Let us therefore again consider the kings of Babylon and of Egypt. Both kings gave to their wise men the opportunity to interpret some of the things which we now find in the Bible. The kings of those ancient lands gave their wise men not only the opportunity baited with rich reward for interpreting the visions but even threatened to slay them if they failed to do so. This was especially true in Babylon. Their wise men failed and even openly and wisely admitted that to reveal the secret things of God was not their business. -2TG24 16.2

Are not these tests strong enough to convince any of you that the secret things of God such as the concealed prophecies are not disclosed by finite men — no not by the Devil either that when God wants a thing to be a secret it remains concealed until He Himself reveals it? Then when it is revealed all are to know that God Himself is at work. Are not therefore the wise men of the day making fools of themselves by airing their private interpretations of the unrevealed Scriptures? -2TG24 16.3

If it is hard enough for the average-mind to admit that he is wrong then pray tell me how easily will our wise men who think themselves to stand without a peer to admit their mistakes? For this is exactly what they must do to their audiences if they themselves are ever to accept the prophecies when unfolded by the Holy Spirit Himself. And if they do not give up their private interpretations and take the interpretations of the Spirit will they not sin against the Holy Ghost? -2TG24 16.4


The wise men of Chaldea and Egypt were not allowed to advance their private ideas as to what the kings visions might mean so at last it was an easy matter for them to say We do not know. But it was not at all easy for the priests scribes and Pharisees in Christs day to recant what they had taught the people and neither will it be easy for the private interpreters of today even though they know that such an honest and trying confession would make them great heroes. -2TG24 17.1

Today private interpretations have harmed and confused the world more than at any other time. Look at the shattered sectarian world of today. It has split Christendom into hundreds of sects chips of all sizes one disagreeing with the other. Who can say that their diverse private interpretations of the Scriptures are inspired dependable or profitable for anything but to cause Christians to quarrel and bicker among themselves over theories and doctrines? Are these presumptuous interpreters of the Scriptures bringing Christians to one accord fitting them for a second Pentecost? or are they dividing and unfitting them? Are they not making fools of themselves in the eyes of the non-Christian world? It is plain to see that they are not even as wise as the wise men of Josephs day or of Daniels day. It sounds hard I know but it would be worse to leave them sleeping without doing something to awaken them. No one can watch a blind man walking into an opened bridge without doing something to prevent him from walking headlong into the river. If they do not open their eyes now then who can say that they are not the people who hardly stand a chance? -2TG24 17.2


Their theoretical interpretations of the Scriptures are brewing discord within every denomination and at the same time their adherents pray and talk of having received or of expecting to receive the gift of the Spirit Yes that is what they are all after. What presumption -2TG24 18.1

Miracles for what purpose? — For no other than to confuse an even greater multitude with their private interpretations. They may fool men but I tell you they can never fool God and they had better try it no longer. -2TG24 18.2

Now suppose that we have a vision and also an interpreter but do not have faith. Then what? — If such be our case then I believe that in such an unhappy state of mind we would be better off if we had neither vision nor interpreter because if we had both a vision and an interpreter but no faith we would be held responsible for rejecting both and thus doubly sin against the Holy Ghost. Then we would find ourselves in an even more unenviable position than were the Jews. -2TG24 18.3


There is no forgiveness for sinning against the Holy Ghost against Inspiration because once rejected there is nothing else by which a sinner can be brought to Christ. Consequently there is no more hope for such a one for there is nothing more that Heaven can do to awaken him to his poverty and hence no more remedy no forgiveness of sin. -2TG24 19.1

But one may say I do have faith in the Bible in the Word of God. We may have even more faith in the Bible than had the Jews but if such one-sided faith was a detriment to the Jews then what would it be to others? No the Jews were not condemned for lack of faith in the Bible but for having no faith in the messengers of God no faith in the prophets and their interpretations of the Scriptures. Moreover faith in the Bible without faith in the Interpreter Who dictated the Bible is as good as to admit that bread is indeed the staff of life but to refuse to take a bite of it -2TG24 19.2

2 Chron 36:14-17 — Moreover all the chief of the priests and the people transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen and polluted the house of the Lord which He had hallowed in Jerusalem. And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by His messengers rising up betimes and sending because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place: but they mocked the messengers of God and despised His words and misused His prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people till there was no remedy. Therefore He brought upon them the king of the Chaldees who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary and had no compassion upon young man or maiden old man or him that stooped for age: He gave them all into his hand. -2TG24 19.3


The transgressors herein mentioned you see were not left to the slaughter simply because they were great sinners God had compassion on them while sinning and sent messengers to correct and to enlighten them. But after they rejected His messages and slew His Spirit-filled messengers they sinned against the Holy Ghost then there was nothing more that He could do but to let their enemies destroy them. -2TG24 20.1

Let us consider another example this one in Jesus time. The Jews in His time had even greater faith in the Scriptures than any before them. With the Scriptures they accused tried and crucified the Lord. The thing in which they had no faith was Jesus interpretations of the Scriptures. As a result some years later their city was destroyed and every one that was found in it burned as rats only because they failed to heed Jesus instructions: -2TG24 20.2

Luke 21:20-22 — And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled. -2TG24 20.3

Without vision you see the people perish. And also without an interpreter and without faith they likewise perish. And this is why the Spirit of Prophecy is an absolute necessity to the people of God in all generations. -2TG24 20.4


Laodiceanism today you know is in a worse situation than any people at any other time for by protesting that there is no need of prophets no need of more truth they have already rejected them yes actually killed them. If they expect no more truth and if Jesus Christ Himself should come with more truth would they not crucify Him also? I know that I am not making a rash statement not exaggerating either and I also know that the Bible will sustain me in what I am saying else I would not say it. -2TG24 21.1

We have now already seen that the Scriptures are not of private interpretation and that Christendom as a whole has no inspired Divinely-appointed interpreter does not even claim to have one and that the people are as confused as were the foolish Babel tower-buildings when their language was replaced with diversified languages. -2TG24 21.2

Now then if it is Truth that makes anyone free and if It comes only through Inspiration and if Christendom fails to recognize this and thus give God no chance to save it then what is to be its fate and also the fate of the Church itself? You know the answer. -2TG24 21.3

The root of this blundering though springs from the heart of the church that professes to be the light of the world for she feels rich and increased with goods in need of neither Truth nor prophets in spite of the fact that the Lord Himself tells her that she is wretched miserable poor blind and naked about to be spued out and in need of everything (Rev. 3:14-18.) -2TG24 21.4


To overlook this charge and still to say we have need of nothing is to insult the Lord and to charge God with having forsaken the earth the Church and the people and leaving them all to do the best they can in their confusion and carnal security expecting to lift themselves out of their deception by the straps of their boots -2TG24 22.1

There is but one thing that her people have been taught to look for and that is to look out for false prophets and as the people do not realize that there can be no false where there is no true can you not see their inconsistency? And what terrible self-deception for a people to think themselves right when they are all wrong — Testimonies for the Church Vol. 3, pg. 253. I say terrible and I mean terrible because if they keep on imagining that they are rich and increased with goods in need of nothing while they are destitute of everything they will certainly be spued out. -2TG24 22.2

If they do awake to their poverty it will be the greatest miracle since the beginning of the world. I say it will be the greatest because they feel no need of Gods help through Inspiration expect none are prejudiced suspicious and fearful of everyone that disagrees with their preconceived idea. They are therefore even harder to reach with the saving Truth for today than were the Jews of yesterday. -2TG24 22.3

Will the Church forever remain in her self-deception or will she awake to her great need? We shall have these questions answered if we turn to the Revelation: -2TG24 22.4

And the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ…for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Rev. 12:16, 17 19:10. -2TG24 22.5


Here is the Bibles own answer which says that there is to be a people who will have the Testimony of Jesus Christ at the time the earth swallows up the flood the hypocrites. And since this incident is yet future it shows that there is to be a prophet in the Church for the Bibles own interpretation of the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 19:10). The first part of chapter 19 you will note explains that the Spirit of Prophecy is brought to them by a man a fellow servant and that those who receive him feel like worshiping him but he directs them to worship God not a man. -2TG24 23.1

The remnant that are left the saints who were not swallowed by the Dragons flood as the earth opened her mouth you note have the testimony of Jesus Christ the living Spirit of Prophecy active in their midst. The Church therefore will not sleep forever the true people of God will awake to their poverty they will profit at this rousing call but the Dragons flood will fill the bowels of the earth. -2TG24 23.2

Let now no one deceive himself by thinking that the Bible Itself is the active Spirit of Prophecy. Let us be Gods real people logical thinkers not bait hunters. The Bible you know without the human channel is as inactive as though It were but ink and paper. Moreover the Spirit too apart from man is also inactive: -2TG24 23.3


He too works through the human agent. Hence without an inspired interpreter the concealed prophecies and the Spirit that unfolds them are inactive. Moreover how could it be said of one particular group having the Spirit of Prophecy when all the sects in Christendom have the Bible? -2TG24 24.1

The remnant who have the Spirit of Prophecy among them are directed to keep the commandments of God while the rest of the world through the influence of the Dragon persecute them. In this light you again see that a remnant will escape from the present self-deception that has befuddled the whole Christian world. -2TG24 24.2

Finally what could be the Dragons flood that proceeds out of his mouth if not Dragon-prompted interpreters of the Scriptures through whom he expects to cause the Church to be carried away? -2TG24 24.3

Truly the self-appointed prophets in Israel of today are more in number than were the prophets in Elijahs day. Here is a fact which only deaf and blind persons would try to deny. No I am not taking pleasure in unveiling this Truth I do it only because I must. God wants His people to have the Truth and so I have no alternative but to tell it. -2TG24 24.4

This flood against which the everliving Church is struggling to make her way is we are told to be swallowed by the earth. It is to be done away with as were the self-appointed prophets in Moses day: namely Korah Dathan and Abiram princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown. Num. 16:2. These and all their followers and sympathizers perished: The earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses and all the men that appertained unto Korah and all their goods. Num. 16:32. -2TG24 24.5


Here we have the type and the example too pointing out that what was done in Moses day with the men who tried to promote themselves to the office of the Spirit of Prophecy will be done with the men who aspire to the same office in our day. They are the people who hardly stand a chance. -2TG24 25.1

Thus it is that any who are called to teach what the Spirit of Prophecy unfolds to them should not aspire to private uninspired interpretation of the Scriptures. If they do they and all who follow them will have their reward unless they repent. -2TG24 25.2

Gal 3:1-3 4:16 — O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the Truth…? Having begun in the Spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? -2TG24 25.3

Let me again point out to you the people who are in the greatest danger of failing to serve the Lord as the Spirit directs. This we can again see from the examples of the past. I can go back as far as Cain and Abel. Cain was the first-born of Adam and according to Bible rule the first-born was to be the leader the priest. From his experience we know that he the leader the minister in the family was the first one in history to worship according to his own private interpretation of religion. And for Abels failing to follow Cains way of worship Abel was put to death at Cains own hands. -2TG24 25.4


Next I would take you to Abrahams time. You know that Ishmael was Abrahams first-born and Isaac his second. Ishmael the first-born being of the flesh persecuted Isaac him who was born after the Spirit. -2TG24 26.1

Then coming to Isaacs twins Esau and Jacob: Esau was the mighty man of the day and the first-born in the home his was the birthright to lead out in the service of God. But he too was more interested in hunting than in the work of the Spirit. So little value he placed on the Spirits work that he sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. In spite of this he still expected the promised blessings from his father but Providence intervened When he discovered his loss he of course as Cain of old sought to kill his brother. -2TG24 26.2

In Moses time we find the same spirit working through the first-born for all those who were twenty years or over when they left Egypt perished in the wilderness with the exception of Caleb and Joshua. -2TG24 26.3

From these examples in the days of our types we see that those who are first and those who are mighty whose birthright in the church grants them the privilege to lead the people are in the greatest danger of erring or losing their souls. But with such a clear picture before them through these Bible examples we hope that they will turn against the old Dragon and come out from his clutches. If they do come out they will indeed be regarded as valiant men of God as were the three Hebrews after coming out of the fiery furnace and as Daniel after coming out of the lions den. -2TG24 26.4

Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? Isa. 2:22. Inspired Truth Brother Sister is the only thing that counts and only when you yourself investigate and personally decide to take your stand for it though the whole world rejects it and takes issue with you. Let us therefore no longer drift with the tide as a pebble with the waves of the sea. We must be men and women of stamina and stability if we are to follow God and His Truth. -2TG24 26.5


We have now clearly seen that those who took such a stand as Truth here presents were Gods heroes of the past and such must be His heroes of today even though they be persecuted laughed at and cast out as were those who have gone before them. -2TG24 27.1

Victory over every failure can be gained by Divine vision Divine interpretation Divine faith. These three you see are inseparable and only these three lead to Christ and eternal life. This is indeed the righteousness of Christ not tarnished with the tinsel of men. -2TG24 27.2

Of course you will have to face the opposition but so did the Lord Himself. Are you greater than He? There is how ever one thing that the enemies of Truth cannot do and that is they cannot win an argument against the Truth let alone give anything as good. Their only aim is to take away your pearl of great price. And your aim therefore should be to keep it though you may have to lose everything else if you intend to avoid the people that hardly stand a chance and to win in the race with the Just. Divine vision Spirit-filled interpreter and unfailing faith is what we all need to have lest we all perish. -2TG24 27.3
