Christs Object Lessons page 69, beginning with the first paragraph: -2TG36 2.1
When the fruit is brought forth immediately he putteth in the sickle because the harvest is come. Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people then He will come to claim them as His own. It is the privilege of every Christian not only to look for but to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Were all who profess His name bearing fruit to His glory how quickly the whole world would be sown with the seed of the gospel. Quickly the last great harvest would be ripened and Christ would come to gather the precious grain. -2TG36 2.2
Here is truth that tells when we may expect Christ to come and gather His own: When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people. -2TG36 2.3
We should now pray that we put forth the effort to grow as Christians to love and work for others to reproduce Christs character in us then this old world will come to an end and the new world will for us commence. -2TG36 2.4
[code_snippet php id=30 format] [code_snippet id=26 php date=’MAY 15, 1948′ format]Are the nations from now on to live in two worlds? Man may guess but he cannot predict. God alone knows the future. And if He does not tell us then we shall never know ahead of time. -2TG36 3.3

On this charted symbolism is seen the world in prophecy from the prophet Daniels time down to our day and beyond. In this symbolical prophecy therefore we must search to see if there is any information given on the subject in question. -2TG36 4.1
We and the majority in Christendom commonly believe that the lion represents the ancient empire of Babylon the bear Medo-Persia the leopard Grecia and the non-descript beast in his two phases the empires of Pagan and Papal Rome. But as to the leopard-like beast and the scarlet-colored we may not hold views alike. And that is why we need to study now as never before if we are to know the Truth. -2TG36 4.2
If the beasts of Daniel the first four beasts on the chart represent four periods of time one following the other then why should not the last three likewise represent three periods of time one following the other? — Logically they should. We need not however wholly depend upon logic for the symbols themselves should define the time and the systems they portray. -2TG36 4.3
In contrast to the crownless horns on the non-descript beast (Daniels fourth beast) you see the crowned horns on the leopard-like beast of Revelation 13. -2TG36 4.4
Why crowns on the one and no crowns on the other? — The only logical and scriptural answer that can be given is this: The angel explained to Daniel that the horns on the non-descript beast symbolize kings that had no kingdom as yet that they would someday arise take up their crowns and reign. (Daniel 7:24). And history records that this happened when Pagan Rome fell and that the kings that then took their crowns kingdoms are the kings who reach down to our day. These kings have now almost dwindled away their thrones are being taken by Fascism Communism or by some form of Republicanism. -2TG36 4.5
The leopard-like beast therefore having his horns crowned definitely denotes that he comes into being after the career of the non-descript beast after the fall of Pagan Rome and during the time the kings receive their kingdoms for crowned horns denote crowned kings. -2TG36 5.1
Moreover the leopard-like beast blasphemed God and His tabernacle forty-two months which is exactly the same length of time in which the little horn power of the non-descript beast was to speak against the Most High and to wear out the saints. He was to do this for a time (one year) times (two years) and dividing of time (half year) equal to forty-two months (Dan. 7:25). Both the leopard-like and the non-descript beast in the second phase were against God and His people for the same length of time — forty-two symbolical months. -2TG36 5.2
Plainly then the leopard-like beast reigns contemporaneously with the second phase of the non-descript beast. -2TG36 5.3
Still further the leopard-like beast is a composite beast of all the beasts before it His mouth of a lion feet of a bear body of a leopard and ten horns are marks which identify him to be a descendant of the four ancient world empires — Babylon Medo-Persia Grecia and Rome. He is therefore the symbol of the world of today the fifth symbolical beast. -2TG36 5.4
Now the fact that the wounded head of the leopard-like was to have his wound healed and also the fact that the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17 is a beast that has the same characteristics as the leopard-like beast having ten horns and seven heads but no wound on any of them proves that the latter beast is symbolical of the time after the deadly wound is healed of a seventh period of time for the two-horn beast comes before the scarlet-colored beast and he is the one who makes an image of the beast before it. -2TG36 6.1
We are now ready to see by means of this symbolical beast the seventh the kind of world we are entering into — whether Democracy Communism Catholicism or Protestantism is next to rule. Light on the subject can be seen from the horns and from the woman that rides rules the beast. -2TG36 6.2
Let us first determine whom the woman represents. The first clue is in the widely known fact that Inspiration never symbolizes civil governments by a woman but It does repeatedly symbolize a religious institution a church by a woman one that brings converts to its creed. The beast as do all other symbolical beasts we have seen represents the world while the horns represent the rulers. The horns ten in number are moreover significant of universality as are the ten toes on the great image of Daniel 2, and the ten virgins of Matthew 25. The heads seven in number also signify completeness the whole. -2TG36 6.3
Now the fact that the horns have no kingdom as yet while the woman rides the beast also the fact that the woman rides it rules it is evidence enough that the world is next to be ruled by an ecclesiastical body not purely by Democracy or by Communism. -2TG36 6.4
That the woman riding the beast symbolizes the world in this day and age is evident from the fact that the ten horns the civil powers that be during the reign of Babylon hate the woman the Church. Communism being the only world-wide ruling power since the world began to hate religion the Church is itself solid proof that the ten horns are symbolical of Communism and that the beast represents a period of time in which Communism is about to dominate the worlds seat of government. God is nevertheless to intercept by putting it in their hearts to give their power and strength unto the beast and to give their kingdom unto the beast until the word of God is fulfilled. -2TG36 7.1
Thus they receive power one symbolical hour with the beast they themselves not having a kingdom of their own. And in the end of the hour they make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Rev. 17:16. -2TG36 7.2
Since the woman is a mother of harlots (Rev. 17:5) it is obvious that other sects have sprung from her. -2TG36 7.3
We have now seen that the world is next to be ruled not by Democracy not by Communism not by Protestantism nor by Catholicism. It is to be ruled by a system of religion in which all her daughters participate — a church and state government which is to be an image or likeness of the leopard-like beast before it received its deadly wound. -2TG36 7.4
Soon Brother Sister we are to enter into this period of persecution and how thankful we should be that there is no need to fear no need to be taken off guard. For with the Light now shining on our pathway we should know what to expect and how to cope with the situation. Truly unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness. Ps. 112:4. -2TG36 8.1
The Lord is Coming
The Lord is coming
Ye mountains melt to liquid fire
His stately steppings ye should know. -2TG36 9.1
The Lord is coming
Who shall stand?
Who shall be found at His right hand?–
He with the righteous garment on
Which Christ our glorious King hath won. -2TG36 9.2
The Lord is coming
So shalt thou hasten that glad day
So shalt thou then escape the snare
And Christs eternal glory share. -2TG36 9.3