VTH Writings

Tell Mother

 “It is the intention of this book to reveal the truth of the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 but the chief object of this publication is to bring about a reformation among God’s people. The truth herein contained is divided into seven sections, giving proof from seven different angles, to prevent any doubt or confusion. This subject is made clear by the use of the Bible and the writings given by the Spirit of Prophecy.” – The Shepherd’s Rod Vol. 1 pg. 5


I shall read from Christs Object Lessons page 43, the first paragraph– -2TG7 2.1

But the teacher of the sacred truth can impart only that which he himself knows by experience. The sower sowed his seed. Christ taught the truth because He was the truth… So with His servants: Those who would teach the word are to make it their own by a personal experience…. In presenting the word of God to others they are not to make it a suppose — so or a may — be. They should declare with the apostle Peter. We have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eye-witnesses of His majesty. Every minister of Christ and every teacher should be able to say with the beloved John The life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested unto us. -2TG7 2.2

How are Gods servants to teach the Truth? — They are to teach the positive Truth not by suppose — sos or may bes but by certainties. If they speak not the positive Truth then what good can result? The apostles did not preach Christs resurrection and ascension as a theory but as positive Truth. If our teaching consists of supposes and maybes then we will only be wasting our time our energies and the time of those who listen to us. It will profit no one and harm all. We should now pray for ability to teach only positive truths only that which we know by experience and authority. -2TG7 2.3


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Our subject for this afternoon is found in Daniel chapters 11 and 12. Chapter 12 contains the time of trouble but the time of the time of trouble is found in the eleventh chapter of Daniel. The twelfth chapter is of course a continuation of the eleventh chapter. We shall begin our study with– -2TG7 3.1

Dan 12:4 — But thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. -2TG7 3.2

Daniel was told to shut and seal the book even to the time of the end. The book therefore was not for the understanding of the people before the time of the end. So then when the book is unsealed and understood we may know that the time of the end is come. -2TG7 3.3

Besides this sign though there is the sign of men running to and fro and an increase of knowledge. The whole world knows that throughout the years of history prior to our time the horse was the means of mans speediest transportation and communication and this method continued throughout the centuries. The angel nevertheless informed Daniel that in the time of the end there would be a decided change that men would then run to and fro. And touching the time of the end according to Nahums prophecy Inspiration declares: The chariots shall rage in the streets they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches they shall run like the lightnings. Nah. 2:4. -2TG7 3.4


Now that knowledge has been increased since the last century or longer and now that steam oil and electric engines have revolutionized the world and have made it possible for men to run to and fro with unprecedented speed the subject stands as clear as crystal that we are now living in the time of the end. There can be no doubt about this. This is positive truth truth that you cannot gainsay and yet believe the Bible and history. -2TG7 4.1

To find the beginning of the time of the end we must read– -2TG7 4.2

Dan 11:40 — And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over. -2TG7 4.3

Not in but at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at the king of the north. This prophetic war therefore marks the beginning of the time of the end. To find the time of the conflict between the two kings we need to read– -2TG7 4.4

Dan 11:41-43 — He shall enter also into the glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. -2TG7 4.5


Mark carefully that at the downfall of the king of the south the king of the north expands and overthrows many countries that he enters the glorious land (Palestine) but Edom Moab and the children of Ammon escape out of his hand. And remember that this work of conquest was to begin at the time of the end. Hence in the time of the end the king of the south declines while the king of the north expands. And since the conflict starts at the time of the end the defeat of the one and the victory of the other are completed in and during the time of the end. -2TG7 5.1

Next to learn when the years of the time of the end began and who the king of the south and who the king of the north are all you need to know is when such a clash began and who in the time of the end ceded Egypt and Palestine to an enemy power what power has as a result shrunk during the time of the end and what power has expanded. There is but one answer and that is: While the Ottoman Empire has been shrinking since 1669 A.D. the British Empire has been expanding and it today rules Egypt and Palestine. Hence today Turkey is the king of the south and Great Britain the king of the north and according to this prophetic conflict the time of the end started at the beginning of the eighteenth century. -2TG7 5.2


Here is a map that demonstrates the rise and decline of the Ottoman (Turkish) empire. Look at it study it. And on the opposite page is the expansion of the English empire during the same period of time. -2TG7 6.1




(Adapted from The Miracle of England by Andre Maurois Harper Brothers Publishers.) -2TG7 7.1


This you see is positive truth not guesswork not theory not a far-fetched idea. -2TG7 8.1

Next note that Edom and Moab escape out of his hand. Yes the king of the north shall lose them. -2TG7 8.2

As the second world war has however brought the first reverses to Great Britain and as we here see her in prophecy her part in World War II must also be found in Daniel 11. Let us then study the remaining verses of the chapter. -2TG7 8.3

Dan 11:44 — But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many. -2TG7 8.4

In the time of the end after having over-flown the previously mentioned countries the king of the north is again seen in conflict but not with the king of the south. He is drawn into this last conflict by what is reported to him from the east and from the north. Now that World War II developed from the directions specified by Inspiration — Germany on the north and Japan on the east besides Russia in the extreme north — facts so fresh in our minds are bound to remove all doubt but that World War II is the one spoken of here in prophecy. And let us not forget that World War II has not actually ended that it is yet to be finished. I say in the face of these facts now known world-wide it is difficult for one to deny what is here brought to light. -2TG7 8.5

Dan 11:45 — And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him. -2TG7 8.6


Now that Great Britains economic structure is in grave danger of collapsing and as her empire is fast crumbling we fear that the fulfillment of verse 45 is perhaps closer than one might realize. If only those who head the empire and also the heads of our own nation knew and understood prophecy we believe Great Britain could come victoriously as did Nineveh of old after Jonahs great episode. -2TG7 9.1

We all know that Great Britain has been helped by the United States of America more than once. But if we rightly understand this verse the events of which are but a continuation of those found in verse 44, the king will surely come to his end and none shall help him. This may transpire before World War II is entirely over and yet it may not. We gather this from the fact that the event of verse 44 is in connection with the event of verse 45. Inspiration seems to allow no time between verses 44 and 45. We do not know the turns which the war will take but we know that the prophecies of the Bible never fail. -2TG7 9.2

As to his planting his tabernacles in the glorious holy mountain it is not too clear for planting the tabernacles of his palace before he comes to his end does not necessarily mean moving his throne there. It could be taken to mean having a branch of his palace there. If he is to plant his tabernacles there while Michael stands up though then the only locality other than the Holy Land that we know of is at Mount Sinai between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. -2TG7 9.3


From the study of the eleventh chapter of Daniel we have learned several positive truths: 1. That the time of the end began in the eighteenth century 2. That the king of the south is the Ottoman empire 3. That the king of the north at the present time is Great Britain in particular 4. That World War II is the war in Daniel eleven. -2TG7 10.1

Now that the prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel continues through the twelfth we shall turn to verse one. -2TG7 10.2

Dan 12:1 — And at that time shall Michael stand up the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book. -2TG7 10.3

At that time (that is at the time the king of the north comes to his end and none help him) shall Michael stand and at the same time there shall be trouble such as never was even to that very time. Only Gods people who have their names written in the book will be delivered. None other. -2TG7 10.4

This study has led us step by step down to our own day. Through this study we see that the time of trouble is but a step in the future that the only event yet to be fulfilled before the trouble begins is the king of the north coming to his end. Then follows the reward of the faithful. -2TG7 10.5

What a solemn time we have come to Brothers Sisters. Do you realize that if you do not now make an effort to put your name in the book it may be forever too late? And is it not better to have your name there even if the trouble were a hundred years in the future? Now is the time to act. Now is the day of salvation brought to you. Today Inspiration pleads if you hear His voice harden not your hearts. Only those who heed the revealed Word of God will find deliverance and peace — none others will. -2TG7 10.6


Dan 12:2 — And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. -2TG7 11.1

Here we are told that in the time of trouble these arise some to live forever and some to die again. -2TG7 11.2

Do you now realize that not only the time of trouble is at the door but even this special resurrection? Do you actually see that in the time of trouble while the living saints are being delivered these dead who rise to everlasting life are also delivered from their graves? Do you realize that this time of trouble is in the great and dreadful day of the Lord the day which the promised prophet Elijah announces? Do you actually know that he is to turn the hearts of the fathers and of the children toward each other? lest the Lord smite the earth with a curse. Mal. 4:5, 6. Do you see that the prophet appears in a day he can restore all things everything that was lost through sin even the Kingdom? Do you know that the resurrection of Daniel 12 is not the same as the resurrection of 1 Thessalonians and of Revelation 20:5? -2TG7 11.3

1 Thess 4:16 — For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. -2TG7 11.4


Rev 20:4-6 — And I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years. -2TG7 12.1

The apostle Paul obviously speaks of the same resurrection as the Apostle John because in it only the holy ones are raised. Both Pauls and Johns descriptions make clear that these arise at the commencement of the thousand years. This we see from the facts that they lived with Christ a thousand years and that they were caught up to meet the Lord in the air that they were on the way to live with Christ during the thousand years not Christ with them. -2TG7 12.2

Now to line up all the resurrections we must take into account also the one of Ezekiel. -2TG7 12.3

Ezek 37:1, 11-14– The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones…. Then He said unto me Son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold they say Our bones are dried and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them Thus saith the Lord God Behold O My people I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves O My people and brought you up out of your graves and shall put My Spirit in you and ye shall live and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it and performed it saith the Lord. -2TG7 12.4


In this resurrection only Gods own people Israel arise with no sinner among them. Moreover these do not meet the Lord in the air they are taken to the land of Israel Palestine. This resurrection therefore is not the same as the resurrection of 1 Thessalonians of the Revelation or of Daniel 12. It must be a separate one. -2TG7 13.1

Let us now come back to– -2TG7 13.2

Dan 12:1-3 — And at that time shall Michael stand up the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. -2TG7 13.3


In these three verses several things clearly stand out: (1) Only those whose names are written in the books are delivered there are therefore no foolish ones among them (2) Those who are resurrected however are mixed both foolish and wise come up (3) The statement and they that be wise [implying that some be foolish] shall shine as the brightness of the firmament indicates that these wise ones are from among the raised (4) That if the wise are from among the resurrected and turn many to righteousness then they must be resurrected in probationary time in time of salvation. -2TG7 14.1

Your work my work will not cease with this life. For a little while we may rest in the grave but when the call comes we shall in the kingdom of God take up our work once more. — Testimonies Vol. 7, pg. 17. -2TG7 14.2

Dan 12:4, 10 — But thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. Many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand. -2TG7 14.3

Now what is meant by being wise? — Let us turn to– -2TG7 14.4

Matt 25:1-4 — Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them: but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. -2TG7 14.5


Here we see that the wise are those who take extra oil extra Truth that lightens the rest of their way. Finally it plainly appears that this mixed resurrection is a test that is they are all given the opportunity to be wise to turn many to righteousness but only a part of them do so. Some of them again fall into sin and therefore they awake to shame and everlasting contempt (everlasting disobedience) but the wise awake to everlasting life never again to die. This plainly shows that those who give themselves to wickedness up to the time they die would not turn to righteousness even though they be given a second chance. The extra oil (Truth for this time) is what decides each ones destiny. The wise shall embrace the additional Truth while the foolish will not. Sin is indeed a mystery -2TG7 15.1
