by | Aug 22, 2023 | Old Codes
January-June 1939Volume 5, No. 1-5 BELIEVE AND PROSPER The thirty-fourth chapter of Ezekiel speaks of sheep and shepherds, and in verse thirty-one the Lord explains that the sheep there spoken of are symbolical of His people, saying: “And ye My flock, the flock of My...
by | Aug 22, 2023 | Old Codes
October-December 1938Volume 4, No. 10-12 THE CHURCH IN PROPHECY As the church of today is conversant with past church history, but totally ignorant of the Divine prediction concerning herself, we, in an endeavor to enlighten her, shall set forth in this article the...
by | Aug 22, 2023 | Old Codes
April-September 1938Volume 4, No. 4-9 A SOLEMN WARNING To all careless or doubting or recusant spirits who tread the side edges of the road of Present Truth, the following words of Inspiration stand as faithful sentinels, warning of the grim fact that unless all...
by | Aug 22, 2023 | Old Codes
January-March 1938Volume 4, No. 1-3 “GO FORWARD” Just as the sealing message has closed with remarkable advancement each of its seven eventful years, so it has closed 1937 with the amazing improvement that all Mt. Carmel’s employees are now to be compensated for their...
by | Aug 22, 2023 | Old Codes
November-December 1937Volume 3, No. 112 WHAT NEED OF MT. CARMEL CENTER HAVE WE? It is fully as hard for our people to comprehend their need of Mt. Carmel Center as it was for the Apostles to see why Christ should be crucified and resurrected. Therefore, we shall again...