VTH Writings

Tell Mother

 “It is the intention of this book to reveal the truth of the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 but the chief object of this publication is to bring about a reformation among God’s people. The truth herein contained is divided into seven sections, giving proof from seven different angles, to prevent any doubt or confusion. This subject is made clear by the use of the Bible and the writings given by the Spirit of Prophecy.” – The Shepherd’s Rod Vol. 1 pg. 5



January 1937Volume 3, No. 1 Greetings From Mt. Carmel Academy Believing that “The institutions of human society find their best models in the word of God” (“Fundamentals of Christian Education,” p. 95), we are endeavoring to found at Mt. Carmel an academy patterned...


December 1936Volume 2, No. 12 Lightening The Earth MOUNT CARMEL’S NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Having availed ourselves of an opportunity to come to Texas with an old friend and neighbor, my wife and I, after visiting and studying with some of the believers along the way...


November 1936Volume 2, No. 11 MOUNT CARMEL’S GREAT NEEDS Although, despite Mt. Carmel’s adverse water and housing conditions, her inhabitants are constantly increasing, yet these two vexing problems are already become her most urgent material concern, which fact we...


October 1936Volume 2, No. 10 GIVE PLACE THAT I MAY DWELL We are happy to announce that Mt. Carmel’s area is now nearly doubled by the purchase of another tract of land adjoining our original holdings of 189 acres, making a total of 375 acres; and we feel certain that...


September 1936Volume 2, No. 9 “TO THE TWELVE TRIBES WHICH ARE SCATTERED ABROAD, GREETINGS” “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck...